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Editorial: Positive psychological interventions: How, when and why they work: Beyond WEIRD contexts PMC

Total quality management (TQM) is also known as continuous process improvement, lean, and six-sigma. It seeks to improve quality and performance by placing customer satisfaction at the center. To achieve this, there is a strong focus on complete employee involvement in the ongoing improvement of products, processes, and workplace culture. Third-party OD interventions are typically used when there are conflicts between employees. The third party used will often be the OD consultant, who acts as a mediator to facilitate communication, identify underlying issues, and develop strategies for resolution.

what are interventions

Strategic Change Interventions

In the next sections of the chapter, I evaluate the efficacy of interventions at these three levels. In cognitive-behavioral interventions, therapists work collaboratively with their clients to identify specific goals and develop strategies to achieve them. By increasing self-awareness and learning new skills, individuals can gain a better understanding of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, leading to positive changes in their lives. Cognitive-behavioral interventions are a widely recognized and effective approach used in therapy. These interventions focus on the connection between a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, aiming to identify and modify unhelpful patterns.

Arts therapy

what are interventions

We don’t have a medication to reverse overdose, but we can offer them these alternatives. And lots of times, I think some of it is they don’t have access to a lot of alternatives. So this treatment provides alternatives, provides some freedom and some funds to do non-drug related activities and behaviors.

Performance management interventions

  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), dialectal behavior therapy (DBT), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) are some mindfulness-based interventions currently utilized in therapy.
  • It’s important to consider individual needs and preferences when selecting the most suitable intervention approach.
  • Character Strengths and Virtues (CSV) was a compact handbook of the critical aspects of positive psychology, the active interventions, and bits of evidence promoting happiness as a scientifically attainable state of mind.
  • For example, let’s say that a team member comes to you feeling overwhelmed and stressed because they’re having difficulty finding childcare.
  • Thus, changes in the share of people who engage in a certain behavior, for example smoking, may affect the decision of other people to quit.

Set expectations accordingly and ensure there are feedback and support systems in place for your team while such large scale changes are in action. Run effective team meetings to keep track of what’s happening and ensure stakeholders can synchronise effectively. Shifting your target customer base for example, might require your sales and marketing teams to radically rethink how they source and talk to customers. While the eventual change might be great, don’t expect to see a complete upswing overnight. Be sure to take this into account when setting targets and when managing your people.

what are interventions

Grief therapy

Try them out in different settings, working with the client to identify their value or potential for modification. The ultimate goals are usually to “help group members respond to each other with a combination of therapeutic attending, and sharing their own reactions and related experiences” (Cochran & Cochran, 2015, p. 329). “Counselors and counseling trainees make choices both concerning specific interventions and about interventions used in combination” (Nelson-Jones, 2014, p. 223). For example, the client can imagine rolling forward to a time when they are successful in a new role at work or a developing relationship. Visual relaxation is a powerful self-helping skill involving clients taking time out of their busy life to find calm through vividly picturing a real or imagined relaxing scene. Creating or choosing the most appropriate intervention requires a thorough assessment of the client’s behavioral targets, what is needed, and how best to achieve them (Michie et al., 2014).

  • It is commonly used to treat depression, anxiety, attention difficulties, and many more psychological problems.
  • Allowing for a dialogue with an inner self who has continuously been problematic can allow another self to stand up and be heard.
  • Although knowledge dissemination was important, each of the studies also stressed messages from social learning theory—people had to learn how to take actions for themselves and what the impact of those actions would be.
  • It can also affect how an employee feels about their job, including if they feel motivated, engaged, bored, or stressed at work.

what are interventions

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